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Law and Nature Dialogue Blog Rules

Blog Submissions

Submissions will be considered for publication if they:

  • Relevant to the focus of the Blog

  • Written in plain English

  • The topic is clearly identified, and the discussion is structured

  • Comply with the word limit and style guidelines


Please email submissions to the editors at All draft posts will be subject to an academic review process by members of our Academic Editorial Board. The editorial team aims to review submissions within 3 business days. Where relevant, the editorial team will endeavour to prioritize posts that are time-critical.


We prefer not to post material that has already been published elsewhere. In circumstances where we do accept posts published elsewhere the Author must seek permission of the original publisher to re-produce the material that is subject of the post.


Style guidelines for Blog Submissions

1. Author bio; When submitting a post for the first time, authors must provide a brief bio, photo and if applicable, Twitter profile.


2. Length and structure of post; Posts are 800 – 1000 words in length. We will consider submissions over 1,000 words in exceptional circumstances. Headings are encouraged to assist the structure of the post. 


3. Fonts and spacing; Any font is accepted. Please submit your post in single to 1.5 spacing, and ensure there is a clear indication between paragraphs. Headings should be in bold.


4.  References/citations; Any references/citations are to be placed in parenthesis immediately following the relevant sentence, preferably in Harvard citation. 


5.  Hyperlinks; Authors are requested to include hyperlinks that assist in providing relevant background information, links to previous posts and legal instruments (case law; treaties/legislation etc).

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